"WAMPUM, Pa. (AP) — Fifth-grader Jordan Brown boarded the bus and headed to school like he did most other mornings in this rural western Pennsylvania community.
But before he left home on Friday, authorities say, the 11-year-old boy had shot his father's pregnant fiancee in the back of the head as she lay in bed. He then put his youth model 20-gauge shotgun back in his room before going out to catch his bus, police say."
Yeah. That's right.
An 11 year old, fifth-grader had his own fucking 20-gauge shotgun!
Because some stupid, redneck, inbred, asshat parent thought that it was entirely appropriate to not only have guns in the house, and not only teach his children to shoot them, but to give his 11 year old kid a fucking shotgun and say "Here ya go. Have fun! I trust your judgement!".
OK. Enough of this bullshit.
Round up the guns and take them the fuck away from people, because people are too fucking stupid to be trusted with them.
Unless they can prove that they need them for protection because there is a legally filed restraining order, or they live way the fuck out in bumfuck egypt where police response is measured in calander days, or they need a fire arm to kill animals in order to survive.
If they don't meet those conditions, then they don't need to own a fucking gun!
Every gun taken away from an idiot is a victory of smart over stupid.
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