"I think, if anything, it shows the Republican Party is a real American party," said Rex Teter, another Texas delegate. "Every family has to deal with children, and sometimes children make decisions that parents wish they would not have been made, and things happen. But I think children are a blessing from God."
Sen. Barack Obama said firmly that the news should not have any bearing on the campaign for president.
"Let me be as clear as possible," Obama said. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president."
I agree with all of the above.
That's why I think politicians, particularly Republicans, should stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms, stop persecuting gay people, quit preachifying about abstinence-only education (which obviously doesn't work!) and start giving their children actual FACTS.
I have direct, personal, knowledge of many strict, Christian, abstinence-only households that are dealing with unmarried teen pregnancies.
I don't know of a single atheist, fact-based household dealing with a pregnant teen. Not one. All the atheist families I know have straight A students who make good choices and stay out of trouble.
Living life and raising children based on truth, facts, trust and knowledge works.
Living life and raising children based on medieval fairy tales centered around an inherited maternal guilt from an apple-eating, snake-worshipping temptress results in sexually repressed children who explosively rebel against their upbringing with catastrophic results!
If you love your child, educate them and arm them with the truth.
Don't try to indoctrinate them into your fantasy world.
And don't you DARE try to pass legislation codifying your failed world view into laws that govern me.
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