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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

japanese maple leaf meaning

japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
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  • gugy
    Sep 20, 01:38 PM
    The iTV makes the elgato eyetv hybrid even more appealing. :)


    Use it to record your shows and then stream it to the iTV.

    -bye bye comcast DVR.

    what about calling it the iStream (ha)

    yeah, that looks cool.
    I am seriously considering buying one. Plus get an external antena and get HDTV. sweet.:D
    But I would still keeping my dishnetwork DVR. I think it will take time to completely get rid off any cable/dvr package.
    The fact that the computer has to be on everytime I want to watch or record a show is somewhat a hassle.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf meaning.
  • japanese maple leaf meaning.

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 01:16 PM
    And how do YOU not get the giant paragraph in their TOS that says you can't tether it to another device?? Use all the unlimited data you want on your phone. A judge isn't gonna waive that all away.


    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 01:48 PM
    The things we hope are reality and things that actually are reality often times greatly differ. People sing the praises of wind and solar, but the honest to God truth is that they can't compete. Not even close.

    This isn't about competition. Coal, oil, gas and nuclear have already lost the competition because they run out. We need to prepare for that now, even if the most optimistic estimates of our non-renewable energy reserves are accurate.

    You also forget (or refuse) to recognize the possiblity that our current level of energy usage is wholly unsustainable and should not be considered a baseline target for future energy projects. The fact is we use far too much power per capita and we all need to use less, so that existing non-renewable resources can be stretched further, and so that renewable sources will eventually be sufficient to meet our needs. Someday the party will be over.

    Let the free market determine which technologies win. Stop wasting our money on advancing idiotic technologies which haven't been able to prove themselves after 20+ years of subsidies. If there's wealth to be earned by developing such a technology, it will be developed.

    Worrying about wealth before all as usual - it says so much about you, fivepoint.

    The free market cares about risk, profit and cost. It doesn't give a damn about the fact that non-renewable sources are limited. Your vaunted free market teaches the adage "make hay while the sun shines" (or oil flows). The fact that expensive, currently unprofitable but extremely far-sighted planning for the future must be done just doesn't compute for people like you who think only in terms of cost and profit. The free market should never be allowed to dictate energy policy on it's own because its focus is singularly narrow and shortsighted.

    I'm not arguing for MORE oil production necessarily, I'm arguing for government to stay out of the freaking way and allow the free market to determine what we want/need more of.

    Under this scenario there is no incentive for increased efficiency in fuel consumption, only increased efficiency in petroleum extraction. From a business perspective it's great (Hooray Exxon). Apart from than that its damnably irresponsible.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • crazytom
    Mar 19, 10:33 PM
    Why I don't like copy protection: I would prefer to use the music I purchase in whatever way I want. For those of you who say "If you don't like the scheme, don't buy it" --- I agree, I haven't purchased a single song from iTMS. It's overpriced, second rate quality, and rounded out with restrictions. I'm saying F U to the RIAA. I don't have anything against the artists, but it's a shame they won't ever get my appreciation ($$$) for their creativity and hard work (it's criminal, I tell you...).

    DRM only protects the already well-to-do artists. It's like they have a bucket full of money and they want to keep ANY of it from leaking over the edge...it sure sounds like greed....say, isn't that one of the seven deadly sins? Oh...I'm sorry, maybe that's sounding too 'Robin Hood-ish'. :rolleyes:

    Recording engineer Steve Albini spoke a community college and was asked what he thought about sharing music. His response was that it was a great idea; his band got more exposure to a greater number of people because of music sharing. Hmmm....that coming from someone who recorded Nirvana, Cheap Trick, Jesus Lizard, Bush.....

    Now, if the RIAA would sell me a piece of music that I could sell back to them (at a discount, of course) because I realized what a piece of crap it was after listening to it 5 times, then we'd be in business!!! Wait...that sounds ~a little~ like Napster's deal (except for the selling it back)...too bad it's PC only. :(

    And, I'd just like to say: "Way to go DVD Jon!!! Keep up the good work!!!"

    Uh, wait....

    From the iTMS TOS:

    You agree that you will not attempt to, or encourage or assist any other person to, circumvent or modify any security technology or software that is part of the Service or used to administer the Usage Rules.

    Oh, crap. Now I'm screwed. I'm a criminal. Canada here I come. :p

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • Huntn
    Mar 11, 06:08 PM
    Not one but two reactors could be headed for meltdown. U.S. Rushes Coolant to Japan Nuclear Plant to Prevent Meltdown (http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2011/03/11/u-s-rushes-coolant-to-japan-nuclear-plant-to-prevent-a-meltdown/). Primary power was lost. A backup generator failed to start. Plant is venting radioactive steam... God, I hope this does not happen.

    11.31am: The Associated Press has more details on the state of emergency issued at nuclear plant after its cooling system failed:

    Chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano says the nuclear power plant in Fukushima developed a mechanical failure in the system needed to cool the reactor after it was shut down in Friday's earthquake.

    He said the measure was a precaution and there was no radiation leak at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant. He said the facility was not in immediate danger.


    Thats pretty bloody serious.... eeeek :eek:

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 04:34 PM
    In A Word NO. There is nothing complicated about understanding Intel's Processor line. Only lazy consumers unwilling to read anything.

    Yes Mulitmedia these are the same morons with too much money and too little sense , These are the same people who are saying ..ohhh why can't Conroe go into an iMac , but i want a Woodcrest , hey I don't care if Merom is Pin compatible can't they go with Conroe for it's better perfromance ..lol

    What a bunch of whiny daddy's boys , no sense at all they just obey the all mighty Stevie Jobs when he lies about how the new MacPro is THE FASTEST PEECEE IN THE WORRRRLD:p

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • Blipp
    Apr 13, 12:59 PM
    Well it was rumoured for some time and we all waited with baited breath but was Apple seriously going to end the pro app that started them off to stardom? Sadly yes they have. What genius decides to make a pro app accessible to the masses? We who use FCP have to make money from our business, so we need a little bit of smoke and mirrors to make our business needed, otherwise our clients will just get a 16 year old in off the street, download FCP (sorry imovie Pro or whatever they have decided to call it) and there you go we are out of work!

    I can see the business sense for Apple but they have now taken it all away from us who stayed by them for all these years.. Thanks Apple for the kick in the teeth. I am a ''Pro'' app user and have been for well over a decade and will be sad to move over to a new system but alas nothing lasts for ever.

    Born 2000 died 2011If a 16 year old kid getting their hands on your editing software is enough to put you out of business then you're probably already in trouble with or without this release. Also they clearly are still calling it Final Cut Pro, so nice try with that half-assed snub.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • coochiekuta
    Mar 13, 02:21 PM
    surely other forms need to be developed more so their cost can go down but nuclear power i think is very much needed. after an oil spill do you give up on oil? there is risk in most things.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • neekap
    Apr 12, 11:31 PM
    Don't forget, Apple sells hardware. Producing good software is a means to get people to buy more Macs, so keeping the price down on the software will get more people reliant upon it and in turn sell more Macs. Sure, they are making it more accessible to the hobby editor, but it doesn't mean its not a good product and still a means to get even more pro users to buy the latest Macs.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • ender land
    Apr 23, 09:45 PM
    Yes there are. In theistic belief.

    You do not think it takes any faith to say that NO God exists? Or that NO supernatural power exists? That you can 100% prove a lack of God?

    Google Christian forums (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&qscrl=1&q=christian+forums&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=christian+foru).

    Then tell them that they're not true believers.

    Oh please. If you even bothered to read any of the descriptions of those sites you would find the majority of them are faith based to begin with. There is a huge difference pointless discussion for the sake of argument and forums dedicated to learning about how to better implement one's faith, learn about it, pray for each other, etc.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. Japanese+maple+leaf+tattoo
  • Japanese+maple+leaf+tattoo

  • citizenzen
    Mar 14, 07:15 PM
    Your English comprehension could be better. Calling Nuclear 'The only Green Solution' (or Choice) is NOT calling it Green. The opinion piece merely points out that hydrocarbon burning is LESS Green. See the difference?

    Thank you for admonishing me on my reading comprehension. Perhaps you could make yourself available for private tutoring to help those of us who are disadvantaged.

    Burning hydrocarbons may produce less CO2 than nuclear fission, however I would be interested in seeing the entire process quantified.

    How much power does it take to provide and maintain storage of the waste, and to mine the uranium? What impact does the operation of the plant have on the environment? What is the cost to humans and the environment when these plants fail as they have?

    All of these need to be taken into account when one considers how green nuclear power is.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tree.
  • japanese maple leaf tree.

  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 11:32 AM
    Anyone hear of Apple going the opposite direction with the Xeon.
    i.e. how about a single dual-core?To be more clear...
    Mac Pro with 1 dualcore Xeon?

    A whole line of Mac Pro's then
    2 cores
    4 cores
    8 coresSingle Dual Core is out of the question. We're way past wanting-needing less than 4-cores. Xeon are made to be used in pairs. What you probably mean is discussed above - a single 4-core Kentsfield processor (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=3014347&postcount=239) in a Conroe motherboard. Some of us hope that will be a sub $2k offering next year.

    More like:
    4 cores 2006
    8 cores 2007
    16 cores 2008
    32 cores 2009
    64 cores 2010

    japanese maple leaf meaning. The lions head maple has
  • The lions head maple has

  • baryon
    Apr 13, 03:32 AM
    Amazing! I love it. This is what Video Editing was in serious need of.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. Zatoichi Japanese tap dancing
  • Zatoichi Japanese tap dancing

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:26 AM
    Errr. Yes I do. :confused:
    That's why I called him out on it.
    He supressed the part that really matters.

    Sorry, getting tough to keep track of who I'm quoting here. ;)

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf meaning.
  • japanese maple leaf meaning.

  • Vegasman
    Apr 28, 11:09 AM
    Isn't this misleading? It says 'shipped' not 'sold' so I assume basically it's a bogus report. You can ship all the crappy tablets you want..doesn't mean they sold.

    Companies that "ship" stuff that people don't buy do not stay in business very long. Therefore, "shipping" is a good enough approximation 99% of the time. The other 1% is quickly identified and purged from the economy.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • R.Perez
    Mar 13, 03:21 PM
    We don't need nuclear, or coal or oil for that matter.

    A large (think 100milesx100miles) solar array in death valley for example, could power the entire Continental US.

    Stop saying nuclear is "clean", its not. Not only is the mining process horrible for the environment, there is still the issue of radioactive waste. These proposals to somehow shoot the waste into space, or store in the ocean are absolutely outlandish and ridiculous.

    If we combined large solar arrays with wind, and tidal power, plus requiring that solar panels also be installed on all new home and apartment construction, we could easily meet our electricity needs with little environmental impact.

    The largest issue here is cost, but when you factor in the long term economic cost of global warming or ecological collapse, really we are talking pennies.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 14, 06:49 PM
    I forgot the name of the project but they are looking at using advanced high temperature superconductors to carry power from like some "mega power plant" type of setup.

    EDIT: memory a little off. Tres Amigas Superstation is supposed to connect and share distributed power.


    japanese maple leaf meaning. japanese maple leaf tattoo
  • japanese maple leaf tattoo

  • puma1552
    Mar 15, 10:10 AM
    Am I hearing the expert om TV right? He's saying the seawater being pumped in is just *around* the core container to stop it from overheating and melting. It's not actually *into* the core to cool it down.

    So basically these fire engines are just pumping water onto the outside of a red hot oven to keep it from melting while the oven still burns brightly.

    Do you have the slightest inkling of the what the process of heat transfer is or what a heat transfer coefficient is? Do you have an inkling of what a heat exchanger is, or how this process is similar?

    Do you think the reactor is a jar of cookies with a lid you can just pop open and stick a hose down?

    Seawater. I hear that's effective against Triffids too..

    Any idea why the boron is being added?

    You Puma and Sushi keep trying to play this down because you 'know how a nuclear reactor works', yet every day your "nowt trouble a t'mill" assurances are just hammered by a new event. An analogy in my mind right now would be architects insisting while we're watching smoke billowing from the towers on our screens that the girders were fireproof-coated so there's no risk of them melting and the buildings collapsing...

    Our assurances are getting hammered by new events? Last I checked there wasn't a disaster or catastrophe. I woudn't say anyone's been getting "hammered".

    Oh lord, you think 9/11 was a hoax too, right?

    Sorry, but the rest of us know how govts and corporations work. They lie. They cover their own arses. They are incompetent.

    Might need an extra layer of tinfoil on that hat of yours.

    leaving the nuclear situation discussion aside for now: interestingly even a town which actually had very expensive tsunami protection wall was hit since it simply wasn't nowhere high enough
    the most important point now will be to get the infrastracture running again because those fuel/electricity/food shortages are now turning to be really problematic

    Tsunami wall, where'd you read that? There are literally trillions of TONS of force behind a tsunami, who would try to build a lousy wall to combat that? Are you sure they weren't mistaking a levy for a "tsunami wall"?

    2 years exposure a day = 730 years worth of normal background exposure per annum. That's okay then, not as bad as I first calculated. No breast cancer there. Bring the pregnant women in. I'll drink milk from that cow, eat eggs from them chickens. We all get that flying a plane. Not.

    You're really being out of line.

    Did you even read the previously posted article? Please do.

    No, of course he didn't. If he tried to, he surely didn't understand it.

    I have no idea why these sorts of examples are constantly used to allay peoples' concerns. Do you actually believe people actually think getting an xray is as harmless as washing with soap? We all see the technician/dentist/nurse go stand behind the protective screens when they use these things while telling us "it's fine, won't hurt you" and we all think "horse manure it won't" as the machine goes click click..

    I think you're a very paranoid individual, it may be prudent to put on that tinfoil hat and wait this one out in the cupboard while the engineers of the world solve this one.

    What do you mean *if* we have a meltdown. Are you denying there has been a meltdown at all? I'll wager with you that there is not only just a meltdown, but actually *three* active meltdowns currently in progress right now.

    Edit - my beilief is based on reading stuff like this (from the BBC) about the hitherto quiet reactor #2. While all the focus has been on the exploding #1 and #3, they've also been pumping seawater into #2 as well. So not only is that yet another wtf? moment, we also have a wtf? squared that the fire engine truck ran out of petrol to keep the pump going so the rods were exposed. So I hope you can understand what I mean about not having confidence that they are even abe to stay on top of the situation let alone control it.

    wtf? x wtf? does not equal wtf^2. :rolleyes:

    I'm guessing you also don't understand that a meltdown is not synonymous with catastrophe. You do realize you can have a partial--or even an entire meltdown--while doing zero damage to the environment or any people, right? After all, you said it yourself--we may be having a partial meltdown right now, but nobody's dying.

    Even allowing for the possibility of a complete core meltdown (an unlikely event given the current situation, though not impossible), the structures were designed to contain such an event.

    Exactly. There are numerous layers between the fuel and the atmosphere, so even if a couple layers become compromised, you can still avoid a catastrophe.

    The problem with your attempts to downplay this situation, like all the other attempts in this thread so far, is that every time you get hammered by actual events on the ground.

    And you've been getting hammered by every single iota of science and fact and physics thrown your way, and have addressed literally zero of them, just citing "big governments lie, run for the hills! JEDILEVEL13PURPLEWIZARDROBESPELLCAST!!! I haven't seen you try to take down any of the nuclear experts posted, or address a single bit of science, all you do is spit the same rhetoric, that we are all getting "hammered" by the thus-far lack of disaster/death/catastrophe that you are running for the hills from.

    So rather than fear-mongering appearing to be unwarranted, it's actually the other way around. The fear-mongers have yet to be proved wrong while the down-players' positive predictions have been proved wrong every step of the way.

    You've yet to be proven wrong? Really? And we've been proven wrong on every count about how there is not a disaster and likely won't be a disaster, and certainly won't be a Chernobyl or anything remotely like it?

    All workers not drectly involved in the actual pumping have now been evacuated from Fukushima nuclear plant. They're running. So everybody else should too.

    We call those safety protocols. Familiar with ISO 14001 or ISO 9001? The people are running? Looks to me like they showed up to work like any other day and were told to leave. I certainly didn't see anyone running out of the plant on NHK TV today. I saw a bunch of people walking out like they would any other day.

    I don't even know why I waste my time.

    japanese maple leaf meaning. maple leaf tattoo meaning.
  • maple leaf tattoo meaning.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 06:15 PM
    just what we need in the world ... a McPeace treaty:cool:

    Mar 13, 03:12 PM
    Automobile safety features and breakdowns compared to nuclear disaster.


    Which have killed more? Hint: it's not nuclear reactors.

    Oct 26, 12:03 PM
    Thank you for both those posts. I have felt pretty alone on these 8-core threads thus far. Glad to finally see someone else who understands and can explain so well why 8-cores is still not going to be enough joining in on these discussions.

    Any of you who don't think a 16-core Mac Pro will be a hit in a year can really only be into word processing. :p

    You are welcome.

    I have been reading your Mac Rumors posts for a long time and I am amazed at the bashing you take sometimes. I recall the days when people complained of Apple boxes being "too slow."

    Now the posts I read on supposed pro sites like Mac Rumors are filled with users chiding one's need for speed -- I get the feeling that many of the users in this forum do simply have the workload to truly push these machines -- there is almost a sense of envy at users who do.

    My suggestion to users feeling this envy is as follows: Learn new skills. If you make your living using a Mac as we do, then evolve with your box. Buy new software. Seek out new clients who want higher end multimedia for web and other distribution. Push the market to evolve.

    Anyhow, I will contribute as much as my schedule allows.

    Best regards to all.


    Sep 20, 04:09 AM
    I don't want to have to put yet another box on the shelf under my TV and have yet another remote control kicking around my living room.

    I already have a DVD, a VCR, and a Sky+ box (DVR). I know that in theory I should choose just one or two of these, but that doesn't work in practice. What happens when my mum records something on a video for me - I still need a VCR, and until Sky bring out a Sky+ box with a *much* larger hard disk then I'll need a DVD for keeping things long term.

    If Apple could include at least a DVD burner and ideally a DVR hard disk as well, then I could actually start replacing the other machines I have rather than just adding to them and cluttering up my living room.

    Its probably a moot point anyway as I doubt iTV will be launched in the UK for a long while anyway.

    Im hoping Apple bring out a HDTV of there own, with iTV built in. Basically a 50" iMac :D Seriously though that would be cool and I would buy it straight away. Eventually i think thats where Apple will end up.

    Apr 13, 02:41 AM
    I bet the guy who destroyed iMovie 06 has something to do with this. Lets just hope I'm wrong.

    Do you mean the same guy who led the team that created Final Cut Pro in the first place? ;)

    Oct 26, 07:06 PM
    Mac Pro is only true desktop offering from Apple. That's the problem.
    Not that many individuals really want that much power.
    However, they do intensive enough tasks requiring more power that exceeds what iMac can offer. The price and power ratio of iMac is just not enough.

    Apple really needs something between "Pro" and "Consumer".
    If iMac offered the ability to work as monitor, I wouldn't be disappointed by this much.

    This is getting old already, but what I need is a decent Conroe Desktop with around 1500 USD price tag.I could not agree more. Apple has got to be in final stages of deploying a sub $2k Kentsfield desktop for 2007 or they will be missing one hell of a sales opportunity.

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