Self promises discipline after football-basketball fracas at KU
The Kansas City Star
LAWRENCE | The day after a series of fights between Kansas football and basketball players revealed an ongoing feud between the programs, no public discipline was announced, although the university is now investigating the incidents."
College athletics programs are filled with coddled thugs who are pampered and protected by greedy administrators and coaches protecting their paychecks.
Here is how a REAL administrator would deal with the most recent KU crises.
Remove the students involved. Boot them out of the school. Then cancel the Basketball and Football season as a message to the rest of the students and faculty that this bullshit is unacceptable.
Being a really good jock does not entitle you to behave like a criminal.
If you behave like a criminal, you and other people will pay the price for your behavior.
And they probably won't be very fucking happy about it.
College sports programs don't contribute enough to society to get a pass for brutal, criminal, behavior.
Shut 'em down.
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