This is the most important and hopeful thing that I heard...
"THE PRESIDENT: Well, and part of what happened over the last 15, 20 years is that so much money was made in finance that about 40 percent, I think, of our overall growth, our overall economic growth was in the financial sector. Well, now what we're finding out is a lot of that growth wasn't real. It was paper money, paper profits on the books, but it could be easily wiped out.
And what we need is steady growth; we need young people, instead of -- a smart kid coming out of school, instead of wanting to be an investment banker, we need them to decide they want to be an engineer, they want to be a scientist, they want to be a doctor or a teacher. And if we're rewarding those kinds of things that actually contribute to making things and making people's lives better, that's going to put our economy on solid footing. We won't have this kind of bubble-and-bust economy that we've gotten so caught up in for the last several years."

YES! Let's encourage a FACT AND REALITY BASED economy where people produce real things that have actual value!
New knowledge, new products, new efficiencies, new materials, new jobs! Let's figure out how we can ALL survive and thrive on a sustainable basis that benefits EVERYONE.
That isn't Socialism. That's common sense!
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