years ago, and now I rent. So the decline in the housing market doesn't affect me.
I declared bankruptcy shortly after that, wiping out all of the credit card debt accumulated during my last marriage, so usurpery level interest rates don't affect me. I no longer have any credit card debt.
I wiped out 20 years of my accumulated 401k covering lawyer bills, moving companies, downsizing and other living expenses so the drop in the stock market doesn't affect me. I no longer own any stock.
My jeep is paid for. I have no car payment.
The company I work for was too conservative to dabble in all that risky financial bullshit. In fact, we are rated Number 7 in the top 150 companies in our industry. We are still growing and hiring, albiet at a slower pace.
I have nothing that the economy can touch.
I have rent, insurance, utilities, groceries and gas. As long as I have a paycheck coming, I have no worries.
I have already voluntarily divested myself of all of the financial baggage that could cause me any angst.
I have nothing, so I have nothing to lose.
It is a very zen-centered place to be.

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