Iran expanding its Nuke program
Bush: Iran Cannot Gain Nuclear Weapons
Preventing Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons
John R. Bolton, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security
Remarks to the Hudson Institute
Washington, DC
August 17, 2004
Israel Has Decided: Iran Will Not Have Nukes
World must prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapon, says Barack Obama
Jewish leader confident Putin will help prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms
Lavrov: Russia won't abide nuclear-armed Iran
It's all bluster and bluff. Like a Spiney Puffer Fish.

Let me make this perfectly fucking clear.
There is no way that any world power can FORCE Iran to NOT develop nukes.
There is only one way to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons.
They have to be convinced that there is no threat to their sovereignty great enough to require nukes as a counter-measure.
How do you make such a convincing case?
By TALKING to them.
By endorsing a Nuclear Free Middle East.
That includes No Nukes For Israel.
Israel has never admitted that they have a nuclear capability. They need to come clean, grant complete transparency to U.N. Inspectors, giving open access to Israel's weapons program. In exchange for every other middle eastern country (Egypt, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, et al) opening themselves to the same level of scrutiny.
When every country in the middle east can "trust, but verify" that their neighbors pose no threat, peace is possible.
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