My first one since moving to Independence.
Let's see what we have here...
Independence School #30----------5.0841-----------------107.28
Jackson County-------------------0.54309-----------------11.46
Mid-Continent Library------------0.3214-------------------6.78
Metro Junior College-------------0.2143-------------------4.52
Mental Health--------------------0.1218-------------------2.57
Board of Disabled Services-------0.0748-------------------1.58
State Blind Pension--------------0.0300-------------------0.63
TOTAL LEVY RATE------------------6.3894-----------------134.82
CITY LICENSE FEE------------------------------------------6.00
TOTAL FOR TAX YEAR 2008--------------------------------$140.82
I got no problem with it.
I'm happy to pay it.
I'd be happy to pay more if it went to expanding KCATA bus routes or light rail. It's hard for poor folks out here to get to Kansas City or Johnson County where the good jobs are. Imagine a two hour commute each way on public transit in bad weather.
I consider it my patriotic duty to chip a little back into the kitty in support of the governmental and financial infrastructure that made it possible for me to put a roof over my head, pay my bills, divorce two wives and raise my daughter.
If me paying more in taxes allows my neighbor the financial security and flexibility to raise his kids and divorce his wife (who has a great rack, a drinking problem and a slutty little tramp stamp)...

...then who am I to be selfish?
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