The local Sports Media was feverishly masturbating this weekend over one of their inspirational, feel-good stories. KU basketball star overcomes personal tragedy to support his team mates!
On Saturday morning KU basketball player Thomas Robinson received a phone call from his 9 year old sister informing him that his mother had died of a heart attack the previous night.
His immediate response? LET'S PLAY BASKETBALL!
Because obviously, playing a fucking basketball game is far more important than being a big brother to your 9 year old sister who just lost her mother.
The local sports media is playing this up like a Supreme Noble Athlete with a huge heart who didn't allow a personal tragedy to let his team mates down.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
This is a stupid jock with some seriously fucked up priorities.
IT'S JUST A FUCKING GAME! Go hug your sister. Go be with your family. Fuck the game! Tell the KU Athletic Department to go pound sand up their ass. They can afford a lot of sand.
Unless, of course, like most athletes, you put your own potential (yet INCREDIBLY unlikely) multi-million dollar career above and beyond every other concern in life.
Viewed through that sad, selfish prism, I suppose you can justify playing a stupid fucking game while your mother is being embalmed and your 9 year old sister is growing up way too fast without you.
To paraphrase Karl Marx, it is sports, as much as religion, that is the opiate of the masses.
It is a totally mindless and responsive addiction that requires no intellectual rigour. It adds nothing to society other than a distraction from our real problems.
If the money spent on sports was directed at medical research, our average lifespan would be 200 years old instead of 72.
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