For some inexplicable reason, I watched an episode of Ancient Aliens tonight.

Which, by the way, is exactly like watching any given program on Fox News. A steaming pile of bullshit lightly sprinkled with a few grains of fact.
But I digress.
OK, so all of these huge, ancient, megalithic monuments are astronomical observatories built by our ancestors with the help of aliens.
Let me get this straight.

The nearest star (other than the sun) is Proxima Centauri and it is 4.5 light years away.

So these ancient aliens who had the technology 6,000 years ago to travel light years to get here and make contact with our stone age ancestors said "Hey dudes! We're more advanced than your ancestors will be for another 7,000 years! We're gonna help you out and leave a little "easter egg" hinting at our existence. We're going to teach you how to build telescopes out of BIG ASS ROCKS that only work twice a year!!"

Now, they could have said "We're going to leave you this 1 trillion megapixel telescope powered by an eternal energy source built out of starship hull-metal alloy and protected by an impervious force field that will preserve and protect it for billions of years and it will remain pointed at our home star system forever. All you have to do is look at it. Oh, and when this light over here comes on...it's time to plant your crops. When this other light over here comes on, you can harvest your crops. You're welcome."

But no. Ancient aliens with technology that is indistinguishable from magic travelled light years to visit barbarians to teach them how to stack rocks more better.

Right. That makes perfect sense. If you watch Fox News.
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