Republicans/Conservatives/Right Wingers have been rabidly apoplectic for 2 years over the fact that an African American, Liberal Democrat was elected President, swept into power surfing a tidal wave of discontent, disgust and disapproval from a majority of the American people.
Not only did a majority of Americans vote Barack Obama into the White House, they voted Democratic candidates into control of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Overwhelmingly, a majority of American Citizens told the Republicans "You suck, you fail, we're sick of you and we are kicking you the hell out of power. Get out of the way and shut the fuck up. The adults are taking charge."
But here's what's hilarious.
The Republicans/Conservatives/Right Wingers think that the reason they lost power is because they were TOO MAINSTREAM! They think they need to be more radically RIGHT WING, CONSERVATIVE and even LIBERTARIAN!
They think this is some sort of patriotic, grass roots movement fueled by outrage over Big Gummint Gone Wild.
What's sad (and hilarious) is that they are nothing more than puppets being manipulated by David and Charles Koch. The Tea Baggers are limp and mindless marionettes being manipulated by powerful men who don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about the protesters in cheap Benjamin Franklin costumes holding misspelled, racist signs.

Clearly, this is not a movement that is going to bring over the mythical "Reagan Democrat" swing voters.
This is an extreme, radical, hate-filled, far right wing fringe being manipulated by powers beyond their limited comprehension.
By embracing and electing the most extreme crazies in their party, they are sealing their own doom and consigning themselves to the trash heap of political history.
Pro Tip: When you find yourself in a hole (2008), STOP DIGGING!
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