Rick Powell, the greedy douche-bag owner of the property and heir apparent to his grandparent's Powell Gardens wants to demolish the historic structure to make a quick real estate buck by creating a vacant lot at a prime location.
In response to a challenge from a professional photographer to use my transition from analog to digital photography as a creative opportunity, I embarked on a B&W photo essay to capture the historic hotel's final days.
This is just a teaser preview of the results.

This is NOT the result of that Photo Essay. These pictures don't do the building justice. These are a toss-off of digital camera photos in their original and converted to B&W.
I took close to 100 pictures on Saturday using Old School film.
24 exposures of Ilford 100, 48 exposures of Kodak Tmax 100, all shot at 50 ISO (Thanks Dave!), and 24 exposures of Kodak 125PX shot at 64 ISO.
I expect 75% of my shots to be complete crap. If I get 25 shots worth publishing I'll consider it a day well spent.
I will scan and post the prints when they are available.
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