This is the rallying cry at those tea-bag rallies. They love to hold up signs that say it and chant it. I think there's even some country song about it.
Just think about what that means.
Apparently, these right wing fanatics are under the impression that the United States belongs exclusively to them, somebody else has taken it away from them, they're pissed, and they want to take it back.
Take, take, take. Big surprise.
I guess it's time for a little Government 101 primer.
First of all, no one "took" anything away from you and you're not going to "take" anything back.
There was an election. A majority of the American electorate voted the Republicans out of power and put the Democrats in charge. With a controlling majority.
The people in charge of the country before the election were Americans who wanted to take the country in one direction.
The people in charge of the country now are Americans, voted into office by other Americans, who want to take the country in a different direction.
If the Republicans want to be the party in charge again, they should work on formulating new policies and fielding new candidates that a majority of other Americans will vote for in the next election.
But all of this angry yelling and screaming and talk about "taking" things from other Americans and showing up at rallies carrying firearms is, well, counter productive and a little childish.
You don't sound like patriots, you don't sound like revolutionaries. No one is frightened or threatened by your cardboard signs and spittle.
What you sound like is a six year old throwing a fit because another kid is playing with your favorite GI Joe.
You need to learn how to play nice and take turns.
Relax. You'll get your fucking doll back. As soon as we're done playing with it.
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