Not the 9/11 8 years ago. A lot of other bloggers have that anniversary covered and I've covered it before too.
I can't imagine that I have anything unique or insightful to add that hasn't been said before.
I'm talking about the 9/11 two years ago.
Greg and Michelle organized the first Blogger Meet that I attended. It was at Harry's Country Club in April, 2007.
I can't claim Greg as a friend. I only encountered him 3 times over 5 months before he died. Fate didn't allow us the opportunity to become friends.
Greg was a blogging pioneer. He started Death's Door in November of 2002! Reading his blog inspired me to start my own in 2006. He had already been at it for 4 years!
What impressed me about Greg was, he didn't just cut and paste from public web sites and add snarky comments in a lame attempt to be some wannabe-journalist.
Greg was, above all else, a story teller. The man had a gift, even when he was telling you how to make fried chicken. He knew how to spin a yarn. He was a consummate writer.
He didn't have to rely on controversial, sensationalist, troll-fodder to attract readers. He was the real deal.
Although he wasn't above posting NSFW pics to accentuate a post, he didn't take the pussified path of posting poached GQ and Maxim bikini pics that he thought might past muster and get liked by mainstream outlets.
Oh no.
Greg would google shit like "monkeys fucking one-legged gay hermaphrodite midgets on horseback in Amsterdam while smoking hash" just to see what came back.

Sometimes it would illustrate a post he had already written, sometimes it would inspire new one.
Greg had a unique and distinctive voice which is sorely missed.
His family and friends mourn his loss while they celebrate his life.
His readers miss his posts and the Kansas City blogosphere is a lesser place without him.

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