About Me
My name is Dee. I am a Conservative Christian who has a passion for politics. I am a political news junkie who also enjoys knowing what is going on in pop culture. I am married and have four children whom I homeschool. I am the host of Conservatism with Heart which airs every Monday on Togi Net Radio. If you wish to contact me my email address is: chatterboxchronicles at hotmail.com
She has her own internet "radio" show where she conducts a feedback loop with other brain dead zombies who are incapable of critical thought
She likes to listen to books on CDs. Anyone who can't be bothered to actually read...well, that "speaks" volumes, doesn't it?
I used to read her blog, leave comments and try to engage in dialogue, but she banned me.
Right Wing Nut Job #2 - Jo-Joe Politico.

About Me
I was born in Miami, Florida, the son of an Air Force officer, traveled the world, was saved at age 17, and have served the Lord since. That's me on the right and my lovely wife, Bonnie...the pretty one...on the left.
Yeah. That's really what he calls his blog. He's very biblical and judgemental. One of "those".
I used to read his blog, leave comments and try to engage in dialogue, but he banned me.
And finally, there is "this one"!
Right Wing Nut Job #3 - Mike's America

About Me
Currently living in the South Carolina Lowcountry, Mike has taken a keen interest in politics and government since his days as a young whippersnapper in Ohio. There, he organized College Republicans clubs, worked as a professional staffer on two statewide campaigns and was elected to the Delaware County Republican Central Committee among other achievements. In 1986 he began graduate studies in government at Columbia University where he specialized in National Security matters under the tutelage of former National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Leaving New York in 1988 he moved to Washington, D.C. to become a White House Intern in the Political Office of President Ronald Reagan. With backing from the first Bush Administration he spent four years at the Environmental Protection Agency. He has lived on Hilton Head since 1996 where he writes, photographs and gardens.
I've never seen so much latent homo-eroticism stuffed into this small a space since accidently clicking on a gay porn site. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I used to read his blog, leave comments and try to engage in dialogue, but he banned me.
This is what these people do. They ban people. They don't want to hear any voices that disagree with them. Because they know that they can't support their viewponts with facts. All they have are rigid dogma, ancient fairy tales and blind faith.
I don't mind. I don't care what they think and I'm not going to waste my mind trying to change their minds.
I'm content to spend the next 8 years listening to them spew their increasingly impotent vitriol at a dramatically decreasing audience as the United States, and the world, steer a path towards sanity, rationality, mutual understanding, decreasing violence and international interdependence.
Which will begin in just over 2 weeks.
I can't fucking wait!
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