This is a house on the south side of Independencve Avenue between Fuller and Freemont.
It is made to look like some little rustic cottage you would find out in the forest with natural stones, mossy logs and sloping roof.
But the logs ain't mossy and they ain't logs. It's all concrete.

I know it's hard to make out detail in these pics, but I had to take them from the parking lot of the UMB across the street. You have to be kinda discreet when you take pictures of populated houses on Independence Ave. if you don't want to get a cap popped in yo ass.
But the weirdest fucking thing about the house it what is flanking the steps coming up to the house from the sidewalk.

Yeah, those are green, concrete alligators laying on brown, concrete logs.

Now I ask you, in all seriousness, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
This is not a new house. It's been there a long time. I drive by it everyday on my way to work and it always freaks me the fuck out.
It's like some little cajun Tom Bombadil's swamp house sitting at the intersection of Hooker and Crackhead. It ain't right!
I'll be expecting some local historian (I'm looking at YOU Leigh Ann!) to research this and come up with a rational explanation for this anomoly.
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