Dear KCTV5,
This Katie Horner thing is becoming absurd. No, it is light years past absurd!
Tonight I was listening to what the Chairman of The Federal Reserve had to say about the health of our economy on 60 Minutes when your attention whore breaks in to talk about a storm 2 hours north of us and headed east. Not south, not threatening Kansas City, but east. Away from us. No impact to Kansas City whatsoever.
I'm quite certain that people who live north of St. Joseph can get their weather bulletins from whomever the St. Joseph CBS affiliates weather attention whore is.
It is now 8:00. Not a single drop of rain has fallen. Not a single rumble of thunder has been heard. I am enjoying "Three Kings" on AMC to avoid Katie's masturbatory revellrey in the sound of her own voice and her seemingly orgasmic pleasure in forcing everyone to watch her and listen to her when we would rather be doing something else.
She's like some sort of weather dominatrix who takes pleasure in inflicting meteorlogical pain on innocent viewers.
You, as her employer, are enabling her sick addiction.
She needs an interdiction. Only an interdiction on live TV that interrupts one of her interruptions can come close to repairing the damage that she has done to KCTV5.
Yank that self-absorbed, octo-mom off the air and only pre-empt CBS programming when actual Kansas City area residents are in immediate danger.
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