I'll be taking my daughter and her friend to this. By her request.
Because my daughter, her friend and I have friends and family members who are gay and we support their quest for equal rights.
I keep hearing a lot from the Right about "traditional marriage". Some nonsense about "one man, one woman".
Can some of you biblical scholars cite me some (any) biblical references where God or Jesus state this to be the definition of "marriage"?

I'll save you some time and effort. No. You can't. So STFU.
Nothing in the 10 Commandments about "gay" marriage.
Not one, single quote anywhere in The New Testament from Jesus defining marriage as being between "one man and one woman".
Never happened.
Marriage is a civil, legal, construct defined by laws passed by humans.
It can be sanctioned by a religious body if the couple chooses, but it's not a legal requirement. It's just window dressing for people of faith.
Secular laws define marriage and the legal rights and privileges derived thereof.
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