I've been criticized by some readers (mostly anonymous trolls whose opinion means as much to me as my ex-wife's, but also some of my cherished, regular, contrarians) for my seemingly blind, unwavering support of the Obama administration. Which is mostly true and I don't apologize for it a bit.
But they fucking screwed the pooch with his move.

"NEW YORK (CNN) -- A White House official apologized Monday after a low-flying Boeing 747 spotted above the Manhattan skyline frightened workers and residents into evacuating buildings.
Witnesses reported seeing the plane circle over the Upper New York Bay near the Statue of Liberty.
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," said Louis Caldera, director of the White House Military Office. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption."
Witnesses reported seeing the plane circle over the Upper New York Bay near the Statue of Liberty before flying up the Hudson River. It was accompanied by two F-16s."
Are you fucking kidding me right meow?
No one thought that this might be a bad fucking idea?
"The president was furious about it," one of the officials said. The incident outraged many New Yorkers, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
"First thing is, I'm annoyed -- furious is a better word -- that I wasn't told," he said, calling the aviation administration's decision to withhold details about the flight "ridiculous" and "poor judgment."
"Why the Defense Department wanted to do a photo op right around the site of the World Trade Center defies the imagination," he said. "Had we known, I would have asked them not to."
I take the president at his word. I can't imagine he knew about this. But he should have. As my Independence neighbor, Harry Truman said, "the buck stops here". The president is the captain of the ship and this never should have been allowed to happen.
It didn't require a public policy expert, a renowned historian, or a public relations consultant to prevent this from happening.
All it required was someone older than 8 years old with more than 32 brain cells to say "Nah, that's all kinds of fucked up stupid. Don't do it. It will scare people."
If I were the conspiratorial sort, I would be tempted to suggest that some ill-wishing insiders set this up on purpose to embarrass Obama. Yes, I think the enemies of this aministration are just that devious and self serving.
In reality I think this was just a MASSIVE FUBAR. But this type of shit cannot continue.
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