Conservatives want to accumulate wealth, and enjoy all of the other advantages of living in a free, safe, capitalist society without having to pay for any of the physical, legal or societal infrastructure that makes that way of life possible.
They want to be absolutely free and unfettered to manipulate us and sell us shit and devise creative ways to separate us from our money to enrich themselves.
They want to ride us like Red Pollard rode Sea Biscuit without so much as a happy-finish rub down after the race.
But they don't want to be taxed to pay for the Interstate Highway system that makes commerce possible. That's "pork".
They don't want to be taxed for Unemployment Benefits, Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security because that's "socialism". Never mind the fact that the people collecting those benefits are folks on the edge of poverty that the conservatives fired to increase their profit margins so that they don't have to give up one of their 7 houses.
They don't want to be taxed to provide full medical end education benefits to the young men and women who serve in our Armed Forces and keep our country safe. "It's an all volunteer force! Nobody forced them to enlist! We paid them, put a roof over their heads and gave them 3 MREs a day. They knew what they were getting into! What's the problem?"
They don't want to be taxed to provide full medical and education benefits to the citizens of this country who work their asses off to make the rich richer. Shit happens. If you get bad sick, be prepared to sell your house, your car and beg everyone in your family and town to do the same so you can afford the medical treatments that MIGHT keep you alive from the doctors who make over $250,000.00 a year.
They don't want to be taxed to fund the basic research conducted by scientists and students at our universities that make the major scientific breakthroughs that create new products, new markets, and new opportunities for new wealth. I feel compelled to remind all readers that the precursor to the Internet that you are using right now was the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) which was tax payer funded research project. It was not a "small business, entrepreneurial" effort.
They don't want to be taxed to fund government institutions designed to look over their shoulders to make sure they aren't lying to people and stealing their money. They have been enabled in this by 8 years of the Bush administration. Which is exactly why we are where we are today. Because we let the financial industry run wild, create "vapor wealth", while the people in charge looked the other way knowing that as soon as they got out of government service they could hump that pooch for all the cash it was worth.
Today, these selfish, greedy conservatives are overestimating the attendance of other selfish, greedy, brainless Fox-Zombies at their inherently racist "Tea Parties".
I say racist because the Boston Tea Party on which these "Taxed Enough Already" protests are modelled involved colonists committing what were at the time criminal acts while dressed in such a way as to deflect the blame to our indigenous population.
"It was now evening, and I immediately dressed myself in the costume of an Indian, equipped with a small hatchet, which I and my associates denominated the tomahawk, with which, and a club, after having painted my face and hands with coal dust in the shop of a blacksmith, I repaired to Griffin's wharf, where the ships lay that contained the tea. When I first appeared in the street after being thus disguised, I fell in with many who were dressed, equipped and painted as I was, and who fell in with me and marched in order to the place of our destination."
If they were true patriots, why did they try to blame Native Americans? Why didn't they stand up and declare themselves as True American Patriots and consequences be damned!
Because just like the Tea-Baggers faux-protesting today, they are hypocrites. They want the benefits of America without paying the costs to support America.
You want "small government"? I have a role model for you. Somalia. They haven't had ANY government in 18 years! It's a Republican paradise! Unfettered capitalism! Entrepenuers Gone Wild!

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