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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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  • takao
    Feb 24, 06:34 PM
    The Koreans have been improving a great deal since they built my borther's 1998 Hyundai Accent (which I someday hope to convert into a rally car when it's served it's on-road purpose). I would say that many of the lates models from Korea equal or exceed the Japanese in quality.

    true i think the mentioned Kia Cee'd is the prime example of a great korean car ... the problem though is that with it the price advantage also vanished ;)
    and i nretroperspective the name change from Dewoo to Chevrolet really helped GM a lot, sales really have been picking on ... relativly

    regarding japanese cars they somehow again managed to hit 2 homeruns in the stupid name department
    the Mitsubishi iMiEV which in german is spoken out (translated) "iStink"
    and the suzuki Kizashi which in austrian dialekt german sounds pretty close to " kiss...'lower backside' "

    As for the Germans, I am a fan of many German cars and they have earned their reputation, but not all of their cars are great. I remember looking over the C-Class hatchback a few years ago and aside from the RWD and the badge it was inferior to a Golf IMO, and quite a bit more money. Same goes for the M-Class, or the BMW 318 and Z3. I think people often assume that the German cars are benchmarks, but not all of them are.

    true that .. regarding german benchmark cars i would mention the Golf TDI, the Mercedes E250 Blu Efficiency CDI, the BMW M3 .. in their markets they are simply the best there is for different reasons:
    the Golf TDI is defining a whole vehicle class for most of europe: "Golf Klasse", every new vehicle roughly the same size and hatchback layout gets compared to it
    the E250 BE CDI: showing that a fuel saving vehicle doesn't need to be hideous and still can be a big saloon car driving from Barcelona to Stuttgart on a single tank
    the M3: the sporty 4 door saloon car benchmark

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  • RaceTripper
    Jan 10, 07:50 PM
    So very sad but true. F1 fan here, and rally if I can ever find time to watch it. I might not be a F1 fan for much longer though if they keep making "the ultimate racing machine" slower and slower by limiting the technology :mad: I understand the safety reasons, but its getting to be worse than the bicycle world:eek:
    I was a big F1 fan, but once the USGP got cancelled my wife and I became huge ALMS fans. Evey year we go to the 12 Hours of Sebring, Road America, and Petit Le Mans. The racing is much better than in F1, and the series is far more fan friendly. I've even started working in the hot pits doing IMSA pit notes during races, in addition to the race photography I have been doing for fun.

    One point to consider about F1 rules changes. Slowing the cars down could improve the on track action. Right now they are so fast they get too spread out and it becomes a parade of cars with the action being how the gaps change. When you slow the cars down they start to bunch together again and force some wheel to wheel battles. The turbo 4-bangers coming in a few years could prove to add some excitement back to F1, even if it does cost us the terrific sound of high revving V8 engines. The rule changes aren't so much about safety as they are about trying to get a race to ensue.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 04:15 PM
    You got it wrong.

    Llanos, Brazos and pretty much every Fusion platform does not compete against Sandy Bridge. No...

    It competes against Intel's Atom platform. Atom CPU offerings beat the many of the offerings on the AMD side. However, on the GPU side, AMD has got Intel really well.

    Anandtech did a nice little article on this. They found the whole Fusion concept and implementation as a whole beats Intel's Atom implementation overall for the HTPC. However, down to specifics, well I just discussed it.

    Llano is not Atom-level hardware. That is Zacate/Ontario.

    Llano is the mainstream Sandy Bridge competitor.

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 23, 11:16 PM
    I did not wade thru all the posts here as to "why not diesel" - but as an American that has watched cars across "The Pond" I wondered why not here in the US. Based on a quick search of prices here in the Reston Va area.... diesel is about 15% higher than the gas price.... the added cost of a TDI Golf vs a gas model makes it hard for low milage drivers to make the switch.....

    Much of our US based concerns seem to be on power vs economy....

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  • Cassie
    Jan 23, 11:09 PM
    Well, my last post in this thread was just about two weeks ago I suppose. And that truck already died, ha. But, new truck: :)
    1988 Ford Ranger XLT Supercab. 2.0 l4, 5 spd manual. Few small issues with it, but it runs pretty well for its age and high mileage, plus only paid $1700 for it. :D Love it to death. :apple: (I admit it, I have some redneck in me :p)

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 28, 07:17 PM
    I never had a misconception about the life cycle of a console, it's when new consoles debut that has changed. I chuckle at the PS2 reference...very few survived ten years. I never owned one but replaced plenty of bad DVD drives for friends. I had an xbox that worked for three years from day one, and my friend's xbox ate itself on day three. On the other hand I went through eleven 360 consoles in the first year and a half and my friends 360 never flinched the whole time. Would have been less if I had told MS to go screw themselves and mod it sooner. Point being, life cycle is relative.

    Honestly? My launch day xbox is still going strong with nothing but 2 freeze ups. And my PS2 is still going strong too - i understand some peeps have had some significant problems (60% failure rate on launch 360s).

    Life cycle in relation to a platform isn't relative at all. As it stood prior to MS going for the 4 year lifecycle with the 360, it was a new platform every 5 years. With the advent of the playstation, there was significant overlap. This is what will happen again with the PS4 - hell, the PS2 has just recently been delisted by NPD - up until then they were still selling. That's the kind of overlap we are talking about - you still have the '10 year cycle' but a new platform will be released about half way through. T

    I have 20/15 in my right eye and 20/20 in my left. Lasik surgery. I don't get motion sick while driving or boating...must be the refresh rate. Yes I'm sensitive. I've been gaming since I was ten years old, and over time my eyes have adjusted. I have a tendency to not blink while playing games. Maybe that has something to do with it. All I know is it was a struggle to beat Darksiders due to the constant screen tear and low framerate. Of course, not all console games are 30fps, just the majority, with the minority being <30fps and 60fps games being the little yellow bus of the industry. Even then it gets fuzzy since animations aren't always adjusted to the framerate. Sure they refresh the screen 60 times a second, doesn't mean anything else refreshes 60 times a second. I've seen what a real temporal resolution is through Silicon Graphics, so it's been night and day to me since the late 90s. And yes, I'm talking out of my arse, don't you recognize the language? Doesn't make it any less true.

    Methinks the fact that you don't blink that much would probably exacerbate your issues bud.

    Yeah screen tear may be problematic for you, but some people don't even experience it - I do and I'll admit it's irritating, but it's hardly an issue where it will stop the majority. All I'm going to say it must suck to be you.

    That's my point. The console industry is playing some twisted bullet-time chicken game. I could have counted the bolts and rivets in both cars by now. PC's keep up because they are modular and allow competition. Right now we have TWO major game console industry giants [with a flat-out loopy like daffy duck on red bull third wheel company] holding up the whole damned evolution of console gaming. I'm fed up with the different attachments, it still feels like I'm getting reamed. All this R&D for disposables is a waste of time and money. Ask Tony Hawk how much he lost on those ridiculous board controllers (I should know since I have one). The only true way to saturate the demographic with a new form of gameplay is to make it standard with a new console at an affordable price. The rest will go the way of the 32x.

    It sounds like you are a serious PC gaming fanboy and that's cool. There's plenty of room in the market. Granted, most of the PC devs are switching over as you make more money on the console side, but hey ho, you won't feel sick :rolleyes:

    You are thinking the console market is like the PC market - it isn't I agree, I'd love a new gen console right about now, but they are doing some interesting things with kinect and to a slightly lesser extent, the Wii so I'll at least be amused until the new gen arrives - but that's the thing, you can't release consoles like ipods - there has to be a decent amount of time to gather pace and sales.

    Ask tony hawk? don't make me laugh, that was activision's decision, Tony sold his likeness a long time ago. You are just showing how....little you know. And seriously? you bought one of those pieces of crap?

    I'm sorry, but you are clearly clueless with some of your ideas. Which is fine with me, I at least am getting a laugh.

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  • mangis
    Aug 24, 05:42 PM
    It May Be Time For A Mac For My Entertainment Center

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  • triceretops
    Apr 12, 10:18 PM
    Is there anybody actually filming this? From what the tweets are describing, the audience are loving it, i'd like to see this keynote.

    Everybody there is an editor. They don't know how to use a camera.:p

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  • skunk
    Mar 20, 01:39 PM
    The mushroom is just a by-product of the explosion. Most explosions form a small mushroom like that - usually, they dissipate quickly though.I assume the mushroom is from the initial warhead explosion, and the rest is the resultant exploding ammunition.

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 20, 10:55 PM
    First is advertising. Sure Apple's commericals are cute and award winning. But for once can we show some hard hitting ads that are shown more than just occasionally? Apple needs to advertise, and more than just the chic oh, that was nice. What I want to see is ads showing how much easier it is to use a mac than a pc, or how less venerable macs are to virus and hacking, then show the things for goodness sakes!!

    Second is quality control.

    Considering the recent problems with the ibook's logic board (over a years worth of laptops sold before admitting a problem?), problems with the 15in powerbook (wait almost a year for memory problems and white spots?) problems with the 12in powerbook(warping cases), and the old windtunnels, I'd say that Apple's quality control is slipping. Are they crap, no, but for the premium that we all pay they deserve to be better.

    I do not mind a 500 dollar computer dying on me, but a 1700 laptop less than a year old? Yes I most certainly do. Having to pay $300 dollars to cover it? yes i do. Knowing a guy who sent in a 15in Albook three times for the screen? yes I do. A friend who owns a 12in whose case is warping, yes i do.

    Price is not as much of an issue. Many of the people who buy 500 dollar computers would not take the time to learn about why a mac is better, they are too dollar concious(the Wal-Mart mentality, if its cheaper its better.)

    Do I think Apple is dying, no. But we have an opportunity to regain market share if apple plays hardball.Jobs has stated hes not interested in the market, Apple has money in the bank. Apple has many problems but the biggest is Jobs and his denial. he thinks we dont want games, or TV, and we like being charged double what the otherside sells hardware wise. since he has taken over Apple they have put money in the bank but they have lost every year more and more of the buying public? they are doing something wrong. yeah we have ill die holding onto my old stale G4 crowd but there are plenty who will never even hear of a G4. they thought you said P4. how small will the Mac Market have to get before Apple wakes up? 1.7% last qtr is going to sound good when they release next qtrs numbers. go ahead and quote me on this if you want.

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  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:31 PM
    DVC-PRO is a Panasonic created format.


    Oops... I stand Corrected...

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  • alent1234
    Apr 22, 09:43 AM
    Why would Apple release an iMac refresh a couple of months before a new OS debuts? Also, this would be the FASTEST REFRESH IN APPLE HISTORY at 9 months.

    You all fell for the hype and made Bri@n T0ng (eat that SEO) and Sea-NET advertising revenue. :rolleyes:

    because a lot of people will buy the iMac and then 10.7 for another $29 or so. more money in their pockets

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  • ffakr
    Nov 25, 05:32 PM
    Dell is setting the pricing. It's not about the vendor costs.. it's all about what vendors think customers will pay.

    I'm shopping for one to two compution nodes right now and the Dell Quad-Core 1U servers price at a bit cheaper at 1.86GHz [quad] vs. the dual-core system at 3.0GHz. Since 1.86GHz is very near the low end of the processor line, I'd suspect that we'll see the high end quad-cores sell for much more than the high-end Dual-cores. It won't matter what the part costs are [they are much closer]. There's too much extra value to end users who really need to run a lot of threads.

    For most people, one Core2 Duo is plenty of horsepower for a long, long time. I'm typing on my new MacBookPro Core2 right now. One downside with the Core2Duo.. the thermal envelope IS higher than the Yonah CoreDuo processors. This thing gets pretty loud when the cpu [and the fans] spin up. It is wicked fast though [15" model with 2.33GHz]
    This is one reason why I don't suspect we'll see a Core2Duo in a Mini any time soon. First off, the cpu is way too fast for a system with Integrated grpahics (unless you want a mini computation node). Unfortunately, Apple hasn't listened to me for the last few years so they haven't built in X-Grid support into all their consumer apps. If they had, your Mac MediaCenter could invisibly speed up the rendering of your iMovie project that you do on your iMac or Macbook. ;-) [as I always tell Apple, I hold no IP on potentially good ideas I provide publicly to Apple, go take them]

    For most people, the towers are way too fast. I've set up a few dual-dual 2.66GHz machines and they are wicked fast. It really is difficult to slow them down even when you go out of your way to try (like Mathematica, HandBrake, a fork-bomb, and several other apps).

    For me at home, the only reason I'd want a Tower would be for the X1900 video option. The Core2Duo iMac is more than powerful enough in every other way (even the occasional video work). I don't loose money when I'm waiting on a computational cycle though (like some of the people here)

    At work, it's a different story. I'm looking for a very small computational cluster or One large computational node and 4 CPU cores may not be enough for multiple users.
    Quad Dual-Core Opterons are too expensive so the Dual Quad-Core Intel systems would be perfect. The only problem is, at 1.66 and 1.83GHz, I'd likely be better off with 2 dual-core Core2Xeons running at 3.0GHz because they'd retire threads much faster and they run cooler (our chiller is over 20 years old so heat is a big issue). The Quad-Core Xeon chips run back up into the thermal range of the old P4 family chips. My whole excuse for new funding is to replace cluster of 22 single processor cluster nodes (ranging from 750MHz to 1GHz Athlons).

    BTW.. it was some stupid ffakr who predicted in the last thread on this topic that we wouldn't see quad-core mac towers at this time. :-)
    I still suspect we'll see Quad-Core chips in one or two high end Tower models only and that will happen at MWSF at the earliest. I also think that it is no coincidence that Apple hasn't replaced the old PPC XServe Cluster Node yet. :-) Considering the relatively low part cost if moving from dual to quad cores.. I suspect that Apple will return the XServe Cluster Node and it may be Dual quad-core only.


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  • lorien
    Nov 29, 05:15 PM
    Where else can they go? The brain, I guess?

    Oh, and one more thing...
    Ever get tired of listening to music? Well no more sore ears or tangled headphones....
    Introducing the iThink. Join the Apple cybernetic collective today. Leave your troublesome Microsoft existence and join us in a world that just works!
    Starting at just $ 999
    Peace of mind.... forever
    <scrolling text reads "Implants sold separately">:p

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  • Kenso
    Mar 22, 03:48 PM
    They should make brief questions to Steve Jobs the same way he answers:

    Q: Apple killing iPod?

    Sent from my iPhone

    A: We have no plans to

    Sent from my iPhone


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  • neko girl
    Mar 20, 11:38 AM
    Several court rulings have placed the rights of Gay people above the rights of people holding religious beliefs.
    I'm all for the distribution of the app on grounds of free speech (which may or may not apply to a curated app store like Apple's). However, I do like the ignorant statement you just made here, that I've quoted.

    Can you give me an example where the basic RIGHTS of a religious person was violated by upholding gay rights?

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  • Killyp
    Aug 7, 05:32 AM
    Apple releases a "Windows killer" :p

    Apple Bricks for Windows? :p :p :p

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  • Hellhammer
    Jun 23, 04:11 AM
    No thank you! Touch is useless in computer size of an iMac as after 10 mins your arma are full of pain and it's ridiculously slow too.

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  • Balaamsdonkey
    Apr 22, 01:43 AM
    I could be wrong but I think the GPS recording has more to do with GPS locating for photography than anything else. Isn't that how GPS enabled cameras work? They check the GPS signal every few seconds and record it? I could be wrong.

    It would make more sense to just record the GPS info when a photo is taken though.

    Aug 7, 05:23 AM
    Anyone dares to read "Vista 2" as "Vista too"?
    Virtualisation built-in so Leopard does Vista too?
    Would surprise me, but still...

    Mar 22, 12:42 PM
    I see apps like DVDs. There are DVDs made for all age groups, from preschool cartoons to the raunchiest sex and violence that one could stand.

    In order to purchase an adult DVD there is some degree of age confirmation. But once that DVD is purchased, any person of any age can pop it in a player to view it. It's up to the parent to secure those DVDs against the curious eyes of minors. Likewise apps should not be censored.

    Apple may not want to sell them through their store, just like Blockbuster may not want to sell triple X-rated movies, but if a developer can create an app for the iPhone then I'd prefer to see Apple or Apple's competitors let the market decide what is successful and what is not.

    If I understand correctly, the Windows Marketplace doesn't even allow sex/nudity in their app store, so they should be forced to do so?

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 6, 12:08 PM
    regarding cars as very international affairs: the history is plastered with failed attempts at "world cars" .. even more so when a car makers call one of their cars a 'world car' in their PR before the release

    That's true, though there have been a few successes, like the Ford Focus.

    For the record, I walk to work unless the temperatures is around 10F or below. I intentionally located myself near my job, and made some sacrifices in order to do so.

    Jan 11, 09:46 PM
    I really couldn't care less about the sales.

    Think about it, if the iPhone doesn't sell, would that put in doubt the fact that it is the best thing out?

    Was there a point here I missed?

    Aug 6, 11:32 PM
    More photos


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