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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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  • dccorona
    Apr 5, 01:14 PM
    Leave the jailbreak community alone Apple!! What is your ****ing problem??? Can't we just coexist???:mad:

    compared to sony, apple is damn near supporting the jailbreak community

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  • jasonforisrael
    May 8, 03:29 AM
    Steve Jobs tweeted a few days ago that MobilMe was going to be free for Mac uses.

    lol if you think ceoSteveJobs (who posted that tweet about mobileme) on twitter is the real deal, then perhaps you should read some of the other tweets. stuff like "I don't care what you think of me. You care what I think of you", "Number of apps in iPad commercial: 42, number of black hands: 0", and "Why charge 80 for Apple earbuds? because someone somewhere will pay for it"

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  • moot
    Jul 29, 11:17 PM
    I will now be picturing Steve Jobs answering that phone during his Keynote in my dreams. :)

    I cannot see it happening. I am not saying it won't be released in August but it wont be at the WWDC.

    For a start, the Worldwide Developers conference is not a suitable place to release an American-centric consumer product.

    Secondly, this would be big news and would require its own dedicated news conference. It would be really hyped up to all the assembled press.

    Not coming at WWDC.

    oh, and I hope this thing makes it international when it does finally come.

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  • Invite the kids to make up a

  • ravenvii
    May 4, 01:01 PM
    We're working out the logistics with mscriv - he should be finished with his turns soon.

    EDIT: Done.

    ROUND TWO BEGINS......... NOW!

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  • Amnak
    Apr 7, 11:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'd like to know when apples ever had real pressure to do anything, they do what they want when they want and they DGF

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  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 09:40 PM
    I really hope they update the MBP with the C2D, a new enclosure would be great too, heres to hoping...

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  • Mother#39;s Day Gifts

  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 09:40 AM
    How so? Everything he said fits the facts as we know them. There is NO evidence that this information gets transmitted to ANYONE, and believe me people are looking hard to prove otherwise. So this makes Steve look like he's telling the truth.

    Even if it did go to the "Mother ship" what the heck would they do with 80 million plus iPhone tracking information????

    I could see it now... "Steve, we have this week phone tracking data. Looks like most people are going somewhere this week and it would appear that Starbuck's visits are up 2%" said the minion to Mr. Jobs.

    As Steve wrings his hands with a evil smile on his face he responds "Excellent, Smithers, now go get me a grande double chi latte. And don't forget to take your iPhone". And he snickers with a evil laugh.

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  • CKtoph
    Nov 13, 02:59 PM
    I'll let you know when I take a call on it. This is really the first day I have had it. I do not have the TomTom kit plugged into my car's stereo so navigation comes through the speaker of the TomTom kit. What I can remember from the user manual (I don't have it with me at the moment), even when the TomTom kit is plugged into your car's stereo via an auxilary cable, calls and navigation instructions will still come from the TomTom kit and not the car stereo. I currently have no way of checking because my car does not have that input in its stereo.

    As far as visibility on the windshield...it's going to vary on what type of car you drive and where you place it. I'm assuming you have never had a GPS unit in your car. It takes up just as much space as most other GPS devices.

    I have a Garmin in our coupe, but the Garmin's screen is obviously bigger than the iPhone's. We had it mounted on the windshield for some time before the suction wore off, to which we ended up getting the sand bag platform which is working out fine.

    We decided not to get the Navi package in the new sedan so I'm debating my options for getting one. Basically, I'm deciding between just getting a nice stand alone GPS on Black Friday or getting the TomTom kit.

    My concern isn't so much the space taken up by the kit. My concerns before committing to make a purchase are:
    - Will I be able to view the navigation maps and instructions with the same visibility as I would with a standalone GPS?
    - Will I be able to hear the turn-by-turn instructions with the same audibility as a standalone?
    - Will people be able to hear me (and be heard) with the same, or comparable, clarity as if I were using a built-in bluetooth car system?

    EDIT: Ticman actually brings up a great point also with the wires. Maybe the dashboard mount is the way to go. Which leaves the only concern left being clarify of calls.

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  • JPT
    Sep 16, 04:15 AM
    I'll believe it when I see it.

    Right now it seems like we are just saying Maybe it will come out on X date! and every time we are wrong we move it to Y date and eventually we WILL get it right and say Z date but that would be after 3 months :eek:

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  • *LTD*
    May 4, 08:27 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Would be my preferred way. Enough with physical media. Very progressive of Apple.

    mothers day gifts for kids to make. Mothers Day Gifts Kids Make
  • Mothers Day Gifts Kids Make

  • snberk103
    May 4, 05:33 PM
    "If you have a stick that is 3' 7 13/16" and need to divide it into 3 equal sections, ... -I'd use a calculator in either example, so it's a moot point.
    So what is a third of 13/16th of an inch? :)

    I've never seen a tank meant for holding liquid that wasn't rated in gallons - and I'm talking about up to 5 million gallons. But still, I'd be using a calculator in either event. But to illustrate my earlier point, 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet, 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons. Simple math.
    See attached image.... more flow stuff than storage stuff, but it makes the head boggle. And yes, of course you'd use a calculator to be sure - but if you could approximate it in your head, at least you'd have a sense of whether you were correct or not.
    Seriously snberk103. Let us Americans use what we want. We find the imperial easier than the scientific metric.

    'scuze moi!

    Tomorrow put up a good point, we can use conversion factors too. ;)

    This may be a reason why American kids are falling behind in global math competencies. It would be interesting to track which countries surged on math competencies, and when they switched to metric.

    So, as a citizen of a country that competes with the USA in manufacturing.... please keep on being the only industrialized country that hasn't switched. Or at least has only partially switched since many exporting companies have switched. :D

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  • silentnite
    Apr 26, 04:05 PM
    Competition is good , however with that being said. It's any one's game from month to month depending on how well the o.s. is developed & how often an update comes out. I'm sure apple has a lot up it's sleeve and I'm not just saying that because I own the iPhone 4. I also own a G-2 from Google.

    mothers day gifts for kids to make. Mothers Day Gifts Kids Make
  • Mothers Day Gifts Kids Make

  • jonnysods
    Mar 27, 05:00 PM
    Take your time Apple, make it a good release. Don't put it out just to be available at the same time as the iPhone 5.

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  • Stella
    Apr 18, 04:20 PM
    Actually, YOU win. The United States provides for patents to "promote" and "further" advancements in the things that we all come here to discuss everyday. One can argue the merits of such a system but that is one of the purposes of the patent laws. Basically, incentive to make the world a better place for all.

    Take away the incentive and there might not be as much innovation.

    What you describe is the ideal world.. however, patents are abused these days.

    Patents are used to squash competition, and in many occasions, they have done. Company A sues Company B to bankrupcy over patent dispute. Company B held the patent...

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  • gtgrad95
    Apr 25, 09:30 AM
    This issue is really starting to frustrate me. iPhone users that I know are starting to freak out because they're getting their information from sensationalized media and don't really understand what's really going on.

    That is one of the reasons Apple can't sit on their hands with this issue - there are too many people getting misinformation that are spreading it to others.

    You are exactly correct. It's the non-techies are are like 'Oh my God' that are freaking about about this, thinking that people now have access to everywhere they go. The techies know that this 'issue' is way blown out of proportion and the only person that would even have access to this information would be you and only you. Not only that, the file is just a bunch of coordinates. It would take a tech savvy person to be able to see it on a map anyway.

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  • GregA
    Nov 27, 01:28 AM
    Too big! <snip> I probably want some functional capabilties (e.g. iPhoto red eye and retouch, or simple text/excel type input) but I DO NOT NEED TO RUN PHOTOSHOP ON MY TABLET! I will transfer my data/photos/video onto my main computer to do that kind of work."
    Agreed. Not a computer... but connecting to it.
    I always thought the direction Apple would go with a tablet was as a consumer device extension to iPhoto, almost how iPod extends iTunes.
    Interesting idea. I guess if you could make it a little thicker than an iPod nano but 7x4" (or 9x5"?) it could be a neat picture frame. It could also do eBooks.

    Then again if you use the screen casting in iChat then each tablet in the house could run it's own low power apps, say dashcode apps, front row, iChat, then hook into a more powerful machine to run fullblow applications.

    Gives Apple a nice little ecosystem of complimentry products.
    Yes... complimentary products. A very simple device that ALSO can connect and get extra functions.

    mothers day gifts for kids to make. Mother#39;s Day Gifts
  • Mother#39;s Day Gifts

  • Mr. Wonderful
    Apr 23, 06:37 PM
    Personally, I would just love a higher DPI option for Macs.

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 14, 04:33 PM
    I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find. At this point in our financial situation, I agree with across the board cuts. After that, then you continue to cut, where it makes sense, surgically.

    Yep. If you are 600lbs overweight, you can afford to (and certainly should) cut fat from your head to your toes. Don'[t cut your head OFF, simply trim it.

    Not hard to understand.

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  • marksman
    Mar 29, 03:56 PM
    It is funny the same people who would have blasted Apple to the moon for doing something like this not only don't call Amazon out on it, but actually blame Apple for it.

    It is silly yet predictable.

    Apr 20, 01:49 AM
    Please site sources of when has Apple cared about staying ahead of an artificial market. I am trying to think of a time and they never really cared. They bring out what works when it works and that is why they do so well without having to have 100 products out all the time.

    Every company cares about the market, and the market is very real. Basic economics, a college course should suffice. Apple is no different. Otherwise, why did Apple add Retina Display? Why did Apple add an A5 processor on the iPad 2? Why did Apple push for A4?
    Apple always compares themselves with the competition, it's illogical to think that Apple doesn't care about the market.

    Regarding the OP, i'm really hoping for a larger screen, or something which will entice customers, Apple wants to get everyone even people with iPhone 4's to upgrade.

    Apr 7, 09:31 AM
    Apple is probably one of the most strategically intelligent tech companies in the world right now. Not just forward-thinking in terms of disabling their competitors...but just wicked smart.

    Apr 18, 03:24 PM
    Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off


    Yeah that looks similar, I was referring to the tablet/honeycomb.

    Mar 29, 03:12 PM
    I think amazonmp3.com looks pretty good. A bit lacking in some extra metadata that I'd like to see but certainly not hideous. Everything works, and works well. Much faster to navigate around my music than via iTunes. Give me speed over superfluous eye-candy any day.

    The AmazonMP3 Android app looks very nice btw...

    Ok, no offense, but you are not a designer are you lol??? And I have yet to see anything on Android that looks "very nice", just sayin'!

    craigslist.org? :p

    Haha, I will give you that they are at least on par, but Amazon has no excuse being the biggest online retailer in the world and one of the biggest internet presences on earth that is making tons of money!

    Mar 26, 11:36 PM
    You're right about sales and its still very popular but to keep up with the competition they need to release one every year and maybe even sooner if they can IMO.
    Android and win mobile come out with new phones every few months and lots of better hardware and other stuff trying to take away from the iphone.
    They're flooding the market with cheaper and more powerfull smartphones, the longer Apple takes the more marketshare they will lose.

    No, they come out with new phones every WEEK, and you actually mean "cheaper and ********". This is not coming from a fanboy, I own and use daily an android device.

    I would very highly doubt if they actually delayed the release. Techcrunch doesn't have an amazing track record, if I remember right.

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