Christine O'Donnel, Republican, Delaware: The Lying, Anti-Masturbation, Anti-Evolution, Palin-Endorsed Witch
Sharron Angle, Republican, Nevada: The Neo-Prohibitionist, Anti-U.N, Anti-Social Security, Anti-Education, Tea Party Republican who won the Primary against the Chicken Barterer
Carl Paladino, Republican, New York: The Sexist Fag Hater!
And last but not least...
Rich Iott, Republican, Illinois: The Nazi SS Jew Killing Renactor

"Republican congressional candidate Rich Iott, under fire for dressing as a Nazi in World War II reenactments, attacked House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Monday for repudiating his participation “before he had all the facts.”
In an interview on CNN, Iott defended his role in the reenactments and offered harsh criticism of Cantor, one of the highest profile Jewish lawmakers in Washington.
“Rep. Cantor did what so many career politicians do…he reacted before he had all the facts,” Iott said. “He didn't know the whole story. He didn't understand what historical reenacting is all about, or the education side of it. And he just made a decision without all the facts.”

Jesus Fucking Christ in a chicken basket!
These are the best candidates that the Republicans can field? Because every other Republican candidate was too moderate?
I'm betting on the American people to vote for the SANE candidates.
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