Keep in mind that the majority of Arizona residents aren't from Arizona. They retired there from somewhere else.
Maybe, just maybe, (thinking outside the box here) the reason that Arizona has so many Mexicans is because ARIZONA USED TO BE PART OF MEXICO!!! We stole it at the barrel of a whole lot of guns during the Mexican-American War in 1848!

As the descendants of the original residents are fond of saying, "We didn't come to America! America came to us!"
It reminds me of when my dad and step-mom returned from their first trip to Hawaii and complained that the trip was spoiled by all the foreigners there, i.e. native Hawaiians, Polynesians, Asians, ya know PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING PACIFIC OCEAN! Not exactly a traditional Anglo-Saxon/Nordic homeland! That's because we stole Hawaii too!
At least we bought Alaska fair and square from those dumb Rooskies! But to their credit, compared to Siberia, Alaska looked like a hard to access Rhode Island to them and they probably figured they were getting the better part of the deal by unloading it on us.
Does no one else think it's odd that we have 2 states that we can't get to without going through a whole lot of Canada or a whole lot of ocean?
But I digress.
Here's a simple Rule of Thumb to remember.
If you invade someone else's land, steal it and call it your own, don't bitch and whine about having a large contigent of native inhabitants who not only refuse to leave but continue to invite their friends and relatives to come and visit.
Get the fuck over it.
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