As we all know by now, a powerful earthquake struck Haiti yesterday completely destroying the capitol city of Port-au-Prince.
Already the poorest nation on the planet with virtually no government, building codes or infrastructure, it is now a pile of rubble and casualty estimates range from 50,000 dead to 500,000 dead. In truth, we will probably never know how many died.
Assistance from the United States started pouring in immediately!
The Coast Guard, Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force all have units on the way. There are aircraft carriers, amphibious units, C-130 cargo planes, hospital ships all headed for Haiti as quickly as they can get there.
A local group of physicians, Heart to Heart have people on the way with medical supplies.
The University of Miami sent a chartered plane full of students to perform triage and evacuate as many critical patients as they could.
The American Red Cross is already in place and providing aid.
Bill Clinton, who was appointed the U.N. Ambassador to Haiti has been very active coordinating the response.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates canceled trips to Australia for annual security talks so they can continue overseeing relief efforts following the earthquake in Haiti.
The World Bank and Ted Turner's United Nations Foundation have both pledged millions of dollars in grants to Haiti to help with the rescue, recovery and rebuilding efforts.
Social Media nerds like me, donating just $10.00 by sending a text message donated hundreds of thousands of dollars within hours.
Oh, and then there were these responses.
This is why the Conservatives aren't in charge any more and never will be again.
Because they are simple-minded idiots.
They believe in supernatural forces and ridiculous Communist conspiracies.
They are totally detached from rationality and reality.
In some clinical arenas, that would be defined as insanity requiring hospitalization.
But here, we just laugh it off as crazy politics and Opinion Journalism.
They are doing NOTHING to help.
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