The entire government of The United States of America.
Our President, our Commander in Chief, the man addressing this amazing assembly is the child of a white American, Christian woman from the heart of Kansas and an African, Muslim father from Kenya. He was born in Hawaii and attended school in Indonesia.

After his speech, the Republican...let me repeat that...the REPUBLICAN response, was given by Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana and at 36, the youngest Governor in the country. His parents were Punjabi Indian immigrants. Jindal was born and raised a Hindu, but converted to Catholicism in high school.

Barack Hussein Obama and Piyush Jindal.
Get used to it, Bubba. This ain't your daddy's America anymore.
It's new and improved! With more color, more diversity, fresh ideas and yes, hope.
I've never been more optimistic about the future of America.
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