This weekend at The Renaissance Festival, September 13th and 14th, bring 5 non perishable food items for Harvester's and buy one ticket at the gate, get one free!
Do the math!
Two adult gate tickets at $17.50 each is $35.00
Two adult advance tickets at $15.50 each is $31.00
Two corporate partner discounted advance tickets at $12.50 each is still $25.00 just to get in the door. That's without turkey legs and scotch eggs.
Buy one adult gate ticket for $17.50 on Harvester's weekend and get another adult ticket for 5 cans of Aldi's store brand green beans, total $18.50!
It's the best weekend of the year to go to the Renaissance Festival. It's your best bargain and it is the greatest benefit to the community.
Me and my daughter, young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis and I will be there.

You should be too.
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